How to Make Blended Food

Have you ever wanted to try consuming meals while you’re on the go? Or do you want to mix your daily intake of fruits and vegetables into a drink so you can drink it in one go? If your answer is yes, you should try blending your food. It’s not only easy to prepare, but it’s also proven to help promote clearer skin, weight loss, and healthy eating habits because it makes you feel full and provides a lot of health benefits.

What is the Difference Between Blending and Juicing?

When you juice fruits and vegetables, chances are you’re removing about 60% of antioxidants from them. But when you blend them, it will keep it all in. Aside from that, the vitamins that cling to fiber will stay in your drink, too. This is why blending your fruits and vegetables will not discard any significant health benefits. 

Consuming blended beverages is healthier because you will feel fuller because of their fiber content. Juice just through your body like water, unlike blending, which can hold over your hunger, thus making you crave fewer snacks throughout the day. But, either way, consuming healthy foods, whether juiced or blended, is still better than eating unhealthy foods. 

What Do You Need for Blending?

The first thing you need is a blender. Make sure you have a powerful blender to handle the stress of breaking down and blending fibrous vegetables, ice, and tough seeds from berries. Aside from having a powerful motor, make sure that your blender also has sharp blades. This is because dull blades will have a tough time cutting through ice, fibrous vegetables, meats, or anything else for that matter. While other blenders in the market rely on the speed of the blade to do the job, you still have to keep them sharp to make sure that your blended beverages come out perfect every time.

After making sure that you got the perfect blender that will suit your needs, you need a recipe for your blended beverage. You can look at some recipes on the internet, or you can make your own according to your preference. Just remember to clean the fruits and vegetables properly and meats before you blend them and check if they have any bad spots or if they are still good enough to consume. 

What are the Best Vegetables for Blending? 

As we probably know by now, vegetables are packed with earth-rich vitamins. That is why if you’re already an occasional smoothie drinker who only blends bananas and berries with almond milk, you should try adding some vegetables to your smoothie blend to supercharge your diet. Here are some vegetables that you should try: 

  • Carrots – You have to be patient with this vegetable because they are a bit rough at first. This is why it is best to peel them before adding them to your smoothie mix. Once they are in, carrots can blend really well. Take note that this vegetable could change the color of your drink, especially if you blend them in with some greens. 
  • Broccoli – This vegetable should be par-cooked before putting it inside your blender. 
  • Kale – Kale is nutritious as it can be, and its color and taste are very easy to mask when it comes to blending it into your smoothie. You just have to toss in some citrus fruit to help cover up its bitter taste. 
  • Radish – Radish has a lot of major health benefits; however, adding it into your smoothie can change its flavor just a little bit. Do not worry because that is not a bad thing. All you have to do is mix in just a little bit of radish into your blended beverage every day until you get used to its taste. 
  • Cucumber – Cucumber has a sharp and refreshing taste to it. That is why it will surely make your smoothie tastier. It blends like a dream because it is a water-based vegetable. 
  • Herbs – Who says herbs are just for cooking? They can be added to your smoothie, too. They can help mask up the bitter taste of other vegetables while at the same time adding a pinch of flavor to your blended drinks. 

Remember, if it’s a leafy green, it deserves to be tossed in your blender. 

Is Blending Your Food the Same as Eating It?

Yes, because you will still be able to feel full and get a lot of nutrients just like you would if you were it. Do not worry because blending your meals will not compromise their quality. In fact, blended meals are a lot easier for your body to digest and absorb. Your body will still respond the same way it does when you eat solid foods, and you’re just presenting it differently. Just remember to add some vegetables, fruit, and other healthy foods to your blended meal. 

Can Blended Food Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, it can help you lose weight. As we mentioned, consuming blended meals guarantees that your body will absorb all the proper nutrients fast and easily. Not only that, but it can also make you feel full at the same time. In short, consuming blended food can give your body the nutrients it needs and help you not crave unnecessary snacking throughout the day.

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